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calcium 大瓶钙粉含VD柠檬酸钙和碳酸钙454克

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calcium 大瓶钙粉含VD柠檬酸钙和碳酸钙454克 Summary

请考虑购买标准量勺(如果你没有), 这将是液体和粉末补充剂必备物品。





钙是,你的身体每天所需的重要矿物质。钙起着许多在体内的重要作用。 A缺乏可引起许多不良的健康问题。首先,钙是骨骼和牙齿的主要成分。 98%以上体内的钙是在这些结构中找到。在身体的其他部位,钙支持心脏功能,血液循环,神经功能和肌肉张力。

如果从饮食中摄取不足,从骨子里身体能“抢”钙钙不足的结果,以弥补不足。当此情况发生时,低骨量峰值可能导致,这意味着将有骨量存在低量到期。低峰值骨量可以是一个促进因素弱,薄,脆弱的骨头称为骨质疏松症的一种潜在的致残疾病的发展。超过25亿人在美国有这样多因素疾病,其还受种族,性别,遗传,身体矮小,饮食,运动水平和生活方式。过量饮酒和吸烟也被认为是骨质疏松症的危险因素。建设并通过在整个生命足够的钙的摄入量维持良好的骨骼健康是通过优化骨量联骨质疏松症的风险降低。钙的摄入量超过推荐的每日摄入量( 2000毫克)的200%已没有进一步已知的好处。









维生素D增加钙的吸收,所以要确保你的饮食中含有足够量的营养是很重要的。维生素D是存储在体内,所以,没有必要以消耗维生素D在同一时间作为钙,但是,许多钙补充剂含有少量的维生素D ,作为预防措施。由于牛奶和谷物通常强化维生素D和阳光下也提供了这一点,老年人没有阳光照射和穷人的饮食是最危险的是缺乏维生素D。


有市场上的许多优秀的钙补充剂。碳酸钙和柠檬酸钙是最流行的来源,与碳酸钙是迄今为止最丰富。既碳酸钙和柠檬酸钙是优良来源,是良好的吸收。新英格兰医学杂志( 1987)报告说,这些形式的钙也有类似的吸收曲线在牛奶中发现的钙,这些结果在随后的研究中得到了证实。


有钙的一种形式中,已显示出一些优势,在吸收性能。该形式被称为钙双 - 甘氨酸螯合物,它是由维奇® Laboratories公司Clearfield的,犹他的,生产的。请参阅下柯克曼的生物最大的钙产品的这种形式的钙的讨论。


质量低劣的钙补充剂可能含有较高的铅含量比是可取的。美国药典( USP)和美国食品化学法典被认为是补品中使用优质的材料标准。在这些出版物中的铅公差为百万分之一(ppm )三部分组成,一个可接受的水平,以食品和药物管理局。最有信誉的公司都采用这些标准。它也可以指出,钙的几个高品质的医药等级也可有铅含量远低于3 ppm的公认标准。











Companion Products


This is a hypoallergenic formulation of calcium powder with vitamin D that has been specially designed for individuals with special requirements and sensitivities.

The powder is an unflavored blend of calcium carbonate and calcium citrate with no additives.  It mixes easily in food or beverages and can be used in baking at moderate temperatures.  It has been successfully incorporated into cookies, pancakes, muffins and other baked goods; however, some of the vitamin D content may be lost if used in baking.

What is calcium and why might I need more?

Calcium is an essential mineral that your body needs every day.  Calcium plays a number of important roles in the body.  A deficiency can cause numerous adverse health issues.  First, calcium is the major constituent of bones and teeth.  More than 98% of the body’s calcium is found in those structures.  In the rest of the body, calcium supports heart function, circulation, nerve function and muscle tone.

If insufficient calcium results from poor dietary intake, the body can "rob" calcium from the bones to make up the shortage.  When this happens, low peak bone mass can result; this means that there will be a low amount of bone mass present at maturity.  Low peak bone mass can be a contributing factor to the development of a potentially crippling disease of weak, thin, fragile bones called osteoporosis.  More than 25 million people in the United States have this multifactorial disease, which is also affected by race, sex, heredity, body stature, diet, exercise level and lifestyle.  Excess alcohol consumption and smoking are also considered risk factors in osteoporosis.  Building and maintaining good bone health through adequate calcium intake throughout life is linked to a reduced risk of osteoporosis by optimizing bone mass.  Calcium intake exceeding 200% of the recommended daily intake (2000 mg) has no further known benefit.

At what age is calcium intake important?

Very simply, at all ages.  Calcium is important to infant development, childhood development when bones are growing, during childbearing and during adulthood to keep bones healthy and strong.

Can’t I get enough calcium from my diet?

Infant formulas and some baby foods are rich in calcium, as is breast milk, so babies and infants probably get enough.  Once off of those sources, getting enough calcium becomes more difficult.  It is generally recognized by the Institutes of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences that from ages four through adult, optimal calcium Dietary Reference Intakes for good health range from 800 to 1200 mg daily. To get that from the diet requires that an individual ingest two to three servings of dairy products per day, plus several servings of protein, vegetables, grains and fruits.  This is difficult for many people.

Many individuals are sensitive to dairy products, casein, lactose or other dairy proteins. These individuals find it very challenging to obtain enough dietary calcium.

What affects calcium absorption from my diet?

Fiber-rich foods and plant foods containing phytic acid can negatively affect the absorption of calcium, as can caffeine.  Excess fat, salt and soft drinks also have a negative effect.

It is better to spread calcium intake out over the day instead of taking it all at once.  Studies show that when too much calcium is in the body at once, absorption is diminished.

Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium, so it is important to make sure your diet contains sufficient amounts of that nutrient. Vitamin D is stored in the body, so it is not necessary to consume the vitamin D at the same time as the calcium; however, many calcium supplements contain small amounts of vitamin D as a precautionary measure.  Since milk and cereals are usually fortified with vitamin D and sunlight also provides this, older adults without sunlight exposure and with poor diets are most at risk to be deficient in vitamin D.

What kind of calcium supplement should I take?

There are many excellent calcium supplements available on the market.  Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the most popular sources, with calcium carbonate being by far the most abundant.  Both calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are excellent sources and are well-absorbed.  The New England Journal of Medicine (1987) reported that these forms of calcium had similar absorption profiles to the calcium found in milk, and these results have been confirmed in subsequent studies.

Calcium carbonate is best absorbed when taken with food.  Individuals with the condition achlorhydria (missing stomach acid) seem to absorb calcium citrate better, though the difference is minimized when calcium carbonate is taken with food.

There is one form of calcium that has shown some advantages in absorption properties. The form is known as calcium bis-glycinate chelate, which is produced by Albion® Laboratories Inc., of Clearfield, Utah.  See a discussion of this form of calcium under Kirkman's Bio-Max calcium product.

What other quality issues do I need to be concerned about when choosing calcium supplements?

Poor quality calcium supplements may contain a higher lead content than is desirable. The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) and the Food Chemicals Codex are considered standards for quality materials used in supplements.  The lead tolerance in these publications is three parts per million (ppm), an acceptable level to the Food and Drug Administration.  Most reputable companies have adopted these standards.  It can also be pointed out that several high-quality pharmaceutical grades of calcium are also available that have lead levels far below the 3 ppm accepted standard.

Another issue in quality calcium supplements is disintegration and dissolution standards of the dosage form.  A product must dissolve in the body to do any good.  Check with your manufacturer to ensure that its calcium products meet USP standards.

Finally, look carefully at the label of the calcium supplement you are thinking about buying.  The requirements for calcium intake refer to elemental calcium.  Your supplement should be supplying the total amount of the mineral calcium, not an amount of the calcium salt.  For example, a supplement should be supplying 600 mg of elemental calcium, not 600 mg of calcium carbonate.  If a supplement supplied 600 mg of calcium carbonate, it would only be providing 216 mg of elemental calcium.  If in doubt, call the manufacturer.  Calcium is too important to your health to have a deficiency.

Can I take too much calcium?

The National Institute of Health and the Journal of the American Medical Association seem to agree that most people can safely consume up to 2000 mg per day of calcium.

Kirkman’s calcium supplements

Kirkman® manufactures all of its calcium products with pharmaceutical grade, low-lead calcium-containing raw materials.  All Kirkman® calcium products are formulated to meet USP specifications for disintegration and/or dissolution for calcium supplements.

Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Citrate, Vitamin D-3.

Free Of

Sugar, casein, gluten, soy, corn, wheat, milk, artificial colorings, artificial flavorings, gelatin, yeast, fish, peanuts or tree nuts.







These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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