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无奶土豆粉 Darifree potato powder

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无奶土豆粉 Darifree potato powder Summary


谷物使用万斯的DariFree ™ ,用于饮用,烹饪,烘焙和咖啡奶精。 DariFree是医学上广受好评,并建议为了您的健康和享受。最重要的是,即使是孩子们喜欢美味的奶油味。 DariFree被广泛用于与食物不耐受, 严格从删除乳制品和小麦产品的diet.Vance的DariFree, 它也是不含大豆,大米,油和面筋,但包含尽可能多的钙的奶。 DariFree不含味精。 DariFree也是维生素的良好来源。万斯的DariFree是粉末状,因此理想的储藏室存放。只是与水混合和享受。一旦混合, 冷藏 ,可保持一周。

混合说明:在混频器/服务器/瓶,或用螺旋盖的容器中,加入1圆杯万斯的DariFree ™ (或多或少的乳脂或较轻的味道)的约2杯热水或冷水(热水使奶味更浓的混合) 。混合或剧烈震荡,直到混合均匀(不会只搅拌拌匀) 。然后加足冷水使2夸脱和寒意。食用前搅拌均匀和享受。与水混合后,万斯的DariFree ™将保持新鲜,至少每周用制冷。一旦这个纸箱被打开,我们建议放置在密闭的容器中剩余的组合,以保持新鲜感。

份量3汤匙( 23克) % DV
每个容器26份( Orig. ) 20 ( Choc. )
卡路里70 ( Orig. ) 110 ( Choc. )
总脂肪0毫克0 %
饱和脂肪0毫克0 %
胆固醇0毫克0 %
钠120毫克( Orig. ) 125毫克(乔科)
5 %
钾50毫克( Orig. ) 360毫克(乔科)
1 %
总碳水化合物20G( Orig. ) 360毫克( Choc. )
7 %
膳食纤维0克( Orig. )<1克( Choc. )
3 %
糖原文: 2克巧克力: 11克
其他碳水化合物18克( Orig. )14克( Choc. )

蛋白质0 g

配料:麦芽糊精(土豆) ,天然香料(不含味精) ,结晶果糖,蔗糖( choc.只) , 碳酸钙,着色钛Dixoide   ,鹿角菜胶,磷酸氢钙磷,盐,磷酸三钙,柠檬酸钾,乳酸,抗坏血酸(维生素C ) ,阿尔法维生素E醋酸酯(维生素E ) ,维生素A棕榈酸酯,烟酰胺(维生素B3 ) ,泛酸钙(维生素D3) ,盐酸吡哆醇(维生素B6 )核黄素(维生素B2 ) ,维生素K1 ,硝酸硫胺(维生素B1 ) ,氰钴胺(维生素B12 ) ,生物素。

  • Fat-Free Non-Dairy Milk Alternative from Potatoes
  • GFCF (Gluten-Free, Casein-Free) Delicious taste similar to milk
  • High calcium, vitamin-enriched
  • Cholesterol, lactose and gluten free
  • Powder makes 6 liquid quarts for Original and 5 quarts for Chocolate 
Use Vance's DariFree™ on cereal, for drinking, cooking, baking and as a coffee creamer. DariFree is medically acclaimed and suggested for your health and enjoyment. Best of all, even children love the delicious creamy taste. DariFree is widely used by people with food intolerances including children who must strictly remove dairy and wheat products from their diet.Vance's DariFree is not only cholesterol- and lactose-free, it is also free of soy, rice, oils and gluten, and yet contains as much calcium as milk. DariFree contains no MSG. DariFree is also a good source of vitamins. Vance's DariFree is in powder form and therefore ideal for pantry storage. Simply mix with water and enjoy. Once mixed, DariFree remains fresh at least a week with refrigeration.

Mixing Instructions: In a mixer/server/pitcher, or a container with a screw-on lid, add 1 rounded cup of Vance's DariFree™ (more or less for a creamier or lighter taste) to about 2 cups of hot or cold water (hot water makes a creamier mix). Blend or shake vigorously until thoroughly mixed (will not mix well by stirring only). Then add enough cold water to make 2 quarts and chill. Stir well before serving and enjoy. After mixing with water, Vance's DariFree™ will stay fresh at least a week with refrigeration. Once this carton is opened, we recommend placing the remaining mix in an airtight container to maintain freshness.

Each 3 tablespoons contain:

Supplement Facts
Serving size 3 Tablespoons (23g) %DV
Prepared Serving 8 fl. oz.
Servings per container 26 (Orig.) 20 (Choc.)
Calories 70 (Orig.) 110 (Choc.)
Total Fat 0 mg 0%
Saturated Fat 0 mg 0%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 120 mg (Orig.) 125 mg (Choc)
Potassium 50 mg (Orig.) 360 mg (Choc)
Total Carbohydrates 20g (Orig.) 360 mg (Choc.)
Dietary Fiber 0 g (Orig.) < 1 g (Choc.)
Sugars Original: 2 g Chocolate: 11 g
Other Carbohydrates 18 g (Orig.) 15 g (Choc.)
Protein 0 g

Ingredients: Maltodextrin (from potatoes), Natural Flavors (no MSG), Crystalline Fructose, Sucrose (choc. only), Dutch Processed Cocoa (choc. only), Calcium Carbonate, colored with Titanium Dixoide (orig. only), Carageenan, Dicalcium Phosphate, Salt, Tricalcium Phosphate, Potassium Citrate, Lactic Acid, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Vitamin A Palmitate, Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Calcium Pantothenate (vitamin D3), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin K1,Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12), Biotin.

Chocolate flavor does not contain Titanium Dioxide but includes Dutch Cocoa.

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