10-30 drops orally twice daily in a glass of warm water, or as directed.
Chi Shao Yao (Red peony) – Used in TCM to invigorate the blood and dispel blood stasis. Clears heat and cools the blood. Clears Liver free for red, swollen and painful eyes.
Bai Zhi (Angelica) – Chinese botanical used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to harmonize the Stomach and Large Intestine and Lung. Known for its ability to relieve pain and reduce swelling, helps to heal ulcers by expelling pus; also opens the nasal passages in the case of sinus congestion.
Ban Xia (Pinellia) – Used in TCM to dry dampness, transform phlegm and cause rebellious Qi to descend. Harmonizes the Stomach and stops vomiting.
Bo He (Mint) – Used in TCM to disperse wind-heat for patterns with fever, headache and cough. Allows constrained Liver Qi to fow freely for such symptoms as pressure in the chest or fanks, emotional instability and gynecological problems.
Chai Hu (Bupleurum) – Used in TCM to resolve lesser yang disorders and reduces fever. Spreads Liver Qi and relieves constraint with such symptoms as dizziness, vertigo, chest and fank pain, emotional instability, or menstrual problems. Also used for disharmonies between the Liver and Spleen with such symptoms as epigastric and fank pain, a stifing sensation in the chest, abdominal bloating, nausea and indigestion.
Chen Pi [Ju Pi] (Citrus peel) – Chinese botanical that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to regulate Qi, improve transportive function of the Spleen, relieve the diaphragm for Spleen or Stomach stagnation patterns, epigastric or abdominal distention, fullness, bloating, belching, nausea and vomiting. Dries dampness and transforms phlegm, fatigue, loose stool, thick, greasy tongue coating. Helps prevent stagnation.
Dang Gui (Tang kuei) – Used in TCM to tonify the blood and regulate the menses: for patterns of blood defciency with such symptoms as a pallid, ashen complexion, tinnitus, blurred vision, and palpitations. Commonly used for blood defciency associated with menstrual disorders such as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc. Invigorates and harmonizes the blood and disperses cold.
Dang Shen (Codonopsis) – Used in TCM to tonify the Middle Burner and augment the Qi for lack of appetite, fatigue, tired limbs, diarrhea, vomiting or any chronic illness with spleen Qi defciency. Tonifes Lung defciency with chronic cough and shortness of breath. Strengthens the Qi and nourishes fuids for wasting and thirsting disorder.
Fu Ling (Poria) – Chinese botanical that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote urination, leach out dampness, strengthen the Spleen, harmonize the Middle Burner, loss of appetite, diarrhea, epigastric distention, palpitations, headache, dizziness, insomnia or forgetfulness.
Gou Qi Zi (Lycium fruit) – Used in TCM to nourish and tonify the Liver and Kidneys for patterns of yin and blood defciency with such symptoms as sore back and legs, low-grade abdominal pain, impotence, nocturnal emission, wasting and thirsting disorder and consumption. The properties are considered to be sweet and neutral.
Huang Qi (Astragalus) – Used in TCM to tonify the Spleen and augment the Qi; for Spleen defciency presenting with lack of appetite, fatigue, and diarrhea. Raises the yang Qi of the Spleen and Stomach; for prolapse disorders such as prolapsed Uterus, Stomach, or rectum.
Huang Qin (Scutellaria) – Used in TCM to clear heat and drain fre, especially from the Upper Burner. Clears heat and dries dampness in the Stomach or Intestines, which manifests as diarrhea or dysenteric disorder.
Lian Qiao (Forsythia) – Chinese botanical that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to clear heat and toxin, dissipate nodules of all hot sores, carbuncles and neck lumps, expel externally-contracted wind-heat, pronounced fever, slight chills, sore throat and headache.
Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon) – Literally translates to “lush winter wheat.” This herb used in TCM moistens the lungs and stops cough. Augments the Stomach yin and generates fuids for dry tongue and mouth due to insuffcient Stomach yin. Clears the heart and eliminates irritability. Moistens the intestines for constipation, dry mouth, and irritability.
Wu Mei (Mume) – Used in TCM to inhibit the leakage of Lung Qi and stops coughs for chronic Lung defciency. Binds up the Intestines and stops diarrhea for unremitting chronic diarrhea or dysenteric disorders. Also used for blood in the stool. Expels roundworms and alleviates pain for roundworm-induced vomiting and abdominal pain.
Zi Su Ye (Perilla leaf) – Used in TCM to release the exterior and disperse cold. Promotes the movement of Qi and expands the chest for nausea, vomiting, or poor appetite. Alleviates seafood poisoning.
Tu Fu Ling (Smilax) – Used in TCM to relieve toxicity and eliminate dampness for joint pain, turbid and painful urination due to damp-heat. Clears damp-heat from the skin for recurrent ulcers or other hot skin lesions.
Gan Cao (Licorice) – Used in TCM to tonify the Spleen and augment the Qi. Clears heat and relieves fre toxicity. Moderates spasms and alleviates pain of the abdomen or legs. Due to the sweet, neutral and moderating properties, it is used often to moderate herbs that are hot or cold and mitigates the violent properties of other herbs. It can lead and conduct other herbs into the 12 primary channels.