口服,每日2次,每次30滴,或遵医嘱。刺激体内毒素的排泄,防止它们被转运和吸收。Dosage:30 drops orally twice daily, or as directed
Drainage remedies stimulate the excretion of toxins and prevent them from being translocated and reabsorbed. The word
Tone is used to identify these remedies. The Energetix Drainage-Tone is one of the Drainage and Tonification formulas designed to tone and open the drainage pathways during the elimination of toxins. Drainage remedies stimulate the excretion of toxins and prevent them from being translocated and reabsorbed. The word
Tone is used to identify these remedies. The Energetix Drainage-Tone is one of the Drainage and Tonification formulas designed to tone and open the drainage pathways during the elimination of toxins.
Capsicum anum 3X – Mastoiditis; purulent otitis media; mucosal infammations of the mouth, pharynx, gastrointestinal tract, urinary bladder and urethra.
Calcarea iodatum 8X, 10X, 30X – Enlargement of the lymph nodes; tonsillar swelling; chronic purulent otitis media; tendency to common colds; goiterous disorders; ulcerous varicose veins.
Echinacea angustifolia 3X – Adjuvant therapy for serious and feverish infections.
Germanium sesquioxide 4X – Supports healthy cellular respi-ration.
Lymph 3X, 6X – Lymphatic sarcodes to support healthy lymph tissue.
Nitricum aidum 12X – For infammation of the skin and muco-sae, with tendency to cracked skin; ulceration; benign and malignant proliferation of tissue (hyperblastosis); illness associated
with excessive loss of weight; emotional discord or upset.
Phytolacca decandra 3X – Extremely feverish infections; mucosal infammations, especially of the respiratory organs; mastitis and other diseases of the mammary glands; the feld of rheumatic diseases.
Scrophularia nodosa 3X, 6X, 12X – General weakness and debilitation; hardening of the glands; rectal infammation, crusta lactea.
Shark cartilage 5X – Supports healthy blood and circulation.
Spleen 3X, 6X – Spleen sarcodes to support healthy spleen tis-sue.
Sulphur iodatum 12X (Iodide of Sulphur) – Infammations of the respiratory passages, the parietal pleura and the intestinal tract (especially the large intestine); enlargement and hardening of glandular organs such as the lymph glands and the mammary glands.
Thuja occidentalis 4X (Tree of Life) – Dermal and mucosal diseases; digestive insuffciency; rheumatism; emotional discord or upset.
Thymus 3X, 6X – Thymus sarcodes to support healthy thymus tissue.
Other Ingredients: Glycerin, Ethanol, Purifed Water.